Jeremy Gutsche presents his 2015 innovation keynote to an audience from a very competitive industry. The strategies for succeeding in an inflated field are taught based on the lessons in Gutsche’s New York Times bestselling book, 'BETTER and FASTER: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas.' The speaker––an entrepreneurial and innovation expert––demonstrates how one can out-smart and out-maneuver competitors, increasing a company’s exposure, sales and services, resulting in an enhanced consumer base with increased satisfaction and loyalty.
Jeremy Gutsche has an animated and energetic style of speaking that keeps the audience highly engaged throughout. The enthusiastic atmosphere keeps listeners receptive and encourages them to begin considering business in more creative and social ways. Gutsche reinforces his points with case studies and logical tactics that reveal six key patterns of opportunity of which anyone can take advantage. The takeaways from this presentation enable attendees to realize and exercise more of their potential.
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