Entrepreneurial expert and author Jeremy Gutsche's 2015 investment innovation keynote will give audiences the rare insight they need to maneuver through history's most chaotic time of change. Gutsche draws on his experience as the CEO of TrendHunter.com, an advisor to dozens of Fortune 500 brands and a financial expert to give audiences six key patterns of opportunity that they can use to spot their next big breakthrough.
Keeping up with customers, consumer markets and trends can be difficult in today's over-saturated modern age. Thanks to Gutsche's patterns of opportunity like Acceleration and Circularity, teams can out-maneuver and out-innovate their competitors. In addition to his insightful methologies, Gustsche shares engaging stories and case studies from world-renown brands such as Victoria's Secret, Smith Corona and Block Buster. Gutsche's 2015 investment innovation keynote will leave audiences equip with the skills they need to succeed.
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