Award-winning author, CEO of top trendspotting website and successful entrepreneur Jeremy Gutsche's 2015 marketing innovation keynote will educate teams on how to take their ideation process to the next level. Gutsche teaches brands how to leverage six key patterns of opportunity using data and detailed insights from his second novel, 'BETTER and FASTER: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas.' Gutsche's patterns will help teams uncover shortcuts in discovering their next big idea.
In times of dramatic change and chaotic consumer markets, successful people are often bogged down by three neurological traps that stop them from accessing their full potential. Gutsche's engaging keynote will help teams out-innovate, out-smart and out-maneuver their competitors with concepts like Convergence and Cyclicality as well as stories from dozens of top innovators and CEOs.
Gutsche's 2014 marketing innovation keynote will help individuals unlock the patterns all around them so that they can spot their next breakthrough business opportunity faster.
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