Jeremy Gutsche's 2015 media innovation keynote will teach audience members how chaos can be harnessed to ignite opportunity. Gutsche is an award-winning author, CEO of trend spotting platform and experienced entrepreneur. His engaging keynote shares detailed insights, case studies and methodologies from his second novel, 'Better and Faster: The Proven Path to Unstoppable Ideas.'
Consumer markets have never been more chaotic than they are now and successful people are often bogged down by three basic neurological traps that can drastically impede their innovation process. Gutsche showcases six key patterns of opportunity and draws upon examples from brands like Victoria's Secret, Smith Corona, and BlockBuster to teach teams how to out-smart, out-maneuver and out-innovate their competitors.
Gutsche's 2015 media innovation keynote will inspire individuals to unlock their full potential and spot the next breakthrough idea, faster.
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