A deep dive into the Top 20 Trends of 2016 is carried out at this 2016 marketing innovation keynote, giving the crowd a competitive edge in its industry. Delivered by the CEO of TrendHunter.com, Jeremy Gutsche, the presentation and discussions are fuelled by extensive research into topics from hi-tech innovation and the Internet of Things, to the latest in advertising.
A New York Times bestselling author, the speaker teaches the audience how to seize new business opportunities that will enable them to stay ahead of the pack. Compelling case studies demonstrate how intuitive business can be detrimental, and how adaptation and disruptive efforts can be instrumental in a company’s success. As part of this marketing innovation keynote, Jeremy Gutsche guides attendees through hypothetical scenarios to rapid-prototype the growth of a business, giving listeners and participants a well-rounded approach to realizing their full potential.
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